Art Direction, Creative Strategy, Toolkit Construction, Typography Design, Graphic Design, CMS Web Tool
Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, and Mix-media
Black Friday 2023
For Black Friday 2023, we introduced a video game-inspired theme for our product line. Below, you'll find the animated compositions I crafted from concept to execution. Note that this year, we didn't have a video component.
Semi-Annual 2023
This campaign started with me manually typesetting Norwester and Nexa into clean, legible titles. The rhythm of the lettering influenced the shapes of the containers holding them, evoking a Saul Bass-inspired style. I then added color, incorporated seamless patterns, and gave the product images more texture by roughening them up. The finishing touch was bringing in hand models to complete the look. Note that this year, we didn't have a video component.
Toolkit Build Out
Toolkit Build Out
Black Friday 2022
For 2022, we drew inspiration from “choose your own adventure” books, a theme composed by our Creative Director that led to a range of eye-catching results from our graphic design team. My main role in this campaign was front-end web design, where the company goal was to restructure the page wireframe and make me a CMS power user.
Desktop experience for the main sale.
Desktop experience for the main sale.
Mobile experience for the main sale.
Mobile experience for the main sale.
Tablet experience for the main sale.
Tablet experience for the main sale.
Semi-Annual Sale 2022
During brainstorming for the 2022 theme, many of us leaned toward something more analog, believing it would be more fulfilling. I contributed by creating the toolkit and prototyping the stop-motion action with our video team. A special thanks to Brad Moles and Mark Vance for capturing the entire stop-motion video.
(above) 2022 Semi-Annual Teaser Cut
(below) 2022 Semi-Annual Main Cut
Black Friday 2021
For 2021, we went with a vintage cop movie theme—good cop, bad cop, it didn’t matter. I designed the typography by using a bold title font and added a solid block shadow underneath to give it that classic, cinematic feel.
(above) 2021 Black Friday Teaser Cut
(below) 2021 Black Friday Main Cut
Semi-Annual Sale 2021
The 2021 theme drew inspiration from brutalist-style poster art and wheat pasting. I built on the 2020 Semi-Annual Sale toolkit, continuing to refine it because it felt like the perfect foundation to work from.
Black Friday 2020
By the time production rolled around, businesses and people were cautiously reconnecting. We selected a street art theme, and I developed a toolkit that felt both authentic and approachable.
Semi-Annual 2020
In 2020, as we transitioned to working from home during the pandemic, SAS pre-production began. Without access to net-new photo or video assets, we leaned heavily into graphics. This approach had a lasting impact on how we structured semi-annual sales in the years that followed.
(above) 2020 Semi-Annual Sale Main Cut
(below) 2020 Semi-Annual Sale Toolkit and Example Assets
Black Friday 2019
For Black Friday 2019, we brainstormed a grindhouse-style double feature with two themes: a zombie horror flick and a chop-socky martial arts film. I contributed to both themes by designing the typography and lettering, as well as some of the poster art.
(above) 2019 Black Friday Cyber Monday Trailer
(below) 2019 Black Friday Zombie Cut
(above) 2019 Black Friday Zombie Cut
(below) 2019 Cyber Monday "Hero" Cut
(above) 2019 Cyber Monday "Hero" Cut
(below) 2019 Cyber Monday "Villain" Cut
Black Friday 2018
The Black Friday theme for 2018 came to life after encountering a Zoltar machine at a bar. I created the logo and titles, designed the website, and developed print media for the campaign.
Semi-Annual Sale 2018
The 2018 theme was a spin-off of our "disgruntled delivery man" concept from 2016, focusing on the union of brute strength and a sharp mind. This sale marked my first step into Art Direction, where I drew inspiration from movie posters like Last Action Hero and Demolition Man, incorporating a white dove motif.
(above) 2018 Semi-Annual Sale Main Cut
(below) 2018 Semi-Annual Sale Asset Examples
Black Friday 2017
The 2017 theme was all about volume—think big hair, big savings, and an amp that goes to 11. As a production designer, I created email and social media graphics and assisted in composing shots in the studio to bring this loud, rock-inspired concept to life.
The End

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